Recharge: Winter Writing Retreat - How This Works

Hello and welcome to Recharge: Winter Writing Retreat!  I'm glad you've stopped by and hope that you'll find some valuable information and inspiration here over the next five days.

One of the things I love about writing conferences and workshops is the opportunity to connect with other writers.  When I was in junior high and high school, I spent one week each summer and long weekends during the school year at writing camps.  I made new friends, found inspiration, and learned so much during those sessions.  As an adult, I still look forward to conferences and classes and connecting with writers at all levels.   Although you'll be working on your own this week, I hope that you'll put yourself out there and connect with other participants.

Here's how this writing retreat works:  Each day, we'll focus on a different topic.  We'll start with a daily Icebreaker, and then move on to a discussion about the day's topic, including writing exercises and prompts, as well as suggestions for further study. 

You can participate in a variety of ways.  You can choose to respond in the comments section or on your blog or website, similar to the weekly questions posted on YA Highway's Road Trip Wednesday.  You can post as much of your work as you'd like.  If you would rather keep your work private, you may want to include your Icebreaker responses or thoughts about the topic in comments.  At the very least, leave a comment to let me know you popped in.

You do not have to complete every single exercise to participate.  Complete the ones that speak to you or which hold the most value for you.  This is a low-pressure week.  We're all busy. We've all got tons on our plates.  Do what you can.  If you want to really immerse yourself each day - awesome!  If you can't participate this week, maybe you'll be able to come back to it in a week, a month, a year - whenever you need a recharge.  

I will do my very best to make timely blog rounds to see how you're doing with the retreat - it's a busy work week, but I promise, if you leave a link in comments or tag me on twitter, I'll get there eventually!

At the end of the retreat, I'll post a form that you can fill out to be included in the participant "directory," which will also include an opportunity for you to submit a sample of your work for the "anthology."  Also that day, there will be details regarding a giveaway.  Be sure to check back on Friday!

If you tweet about the retreat, please include the hashtag #RechargeWWR.  Find me on twitter @sbiren. Thanks!

So - are you ready?  Make a fresh pot of coffee, sharpen your pencils, and let's do this!



  1. I'm up for doing a decent word count every day of this week! I may also do some of the prompts or post a line or two of my work.

    1. Thanks for stopping by - I hope you met your word count goals each day!


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