Writer Recharge Challenge

January is in the books and you've had to deal with:
a) polar vortices
b) ice storms
c) mountains of snow
d) gray skies and general malaise
e) all of the above

We thought our writer friends might be in need of a little boost. A jump start, if you will. A recharge.

We'd like to invite you to join us for Writer Recharge 2014, a month-long motivational challenge similar to last summer's Ready. Set. Write! So many of us benefited from setting goals, connecting with other writers, and social media-based accountability. So, hey, let's do it again! Whether you're delighting next to the crackling fireplace of a Shiny New Idea with a warm cup of tea and a sleepy puppy at your feet or spinning out on the ice-covered roads of revisions in an attempt to avoid the snow-packed ditch, we want to write with you! What do you want to accomplish this month? Hit a daily word count? Revise a certain number of pages or chapters each week? Complete a draft by the end of the month? Let's get this party started!

Writer Recharge 2014

Your hosts and cheerleaders: Katy Upperman, Alison Miller, Liz Parker, Elodie Nowodazkij, and Sara Biren

The timeline:

  • First week of February: Post your goals for the month on your blog, website, or Twitter. Use the hashtag #WriterRecharge. Link your blog post here (below)
  • Every Monday in February: Update your progress via your blog or twitter. Link your blog posts on my Monday posts.
  • Throughout the month: Use the hashtag to connect with other writers, have writing parties, and cheer one another on!
  • February 28: Post your final update via your blog or twitter.
  • Anyone who uses the hashtag or links their blog posts will be entered to win one of five query or 3-chapter critiques.
My goals for February:
  • Write every day. Even if it's just a few lines scribbled into my notebook, I will put down words every single day.
  • Reclaim my lunch hour. Many days I work straight through and eat at my desk. I resolve to read, write, or critique/beta during those precious thirty minutes.
  • Finish my first draft of KEYS by February 28. It's at about 30k.

Sound easy enough? Set your goals and get started! We'll see YOU at #WriterRecharge.

Join the Writer Recharge Challenge!

1. Kip Wilson  14. Stephanie Scott  27. Michael Louie  
2. Liz Parker  15. Cynthia  28. N.J. Ember (Nadia)  
3. H.M. Brooks  16. Kristi Rose  29. Pru Holcombe  
4. Katy Upperman  17. Maggie J  30. Kim Smith  
5. Elodie  18. Susan crispell  31. Kaye M.  
6. Alexa Barry  19. Emma Maree  32. Ghenet Myrthil  
7. Alison Miller  20. Bethanie Hardie  33. Jennifer Pickrell  
8. Rebekah Faubion  21. Fida Islaih  34. Tracey Neithercott  
9. Robin Moran  22. Anne Tedeton  35. Adrianne Russell  
10. Valia Lind  23. Michael F. Stewart  36. Angel Leigh  
11. Sarah Chafin  24. Ellen Goodlett  37. Bridgid Gallagher  
12. prerna pickett  25. Kaitlin Bartlett  38. Melanie Stanford  
13. Anya Monroe  26. Colin D Smith  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Ahhhhh, I needed this! Thank you all for starting this up at just the right moment once again. Sara, I love how your goals all fit together so nicely in a formula that has to equal success! Good luck getting the month rolling!

    1. Thank you - it's amazing what those 30 minutes of lunch can do to help get me back on track! So glad you're joining in!

  2. Love the idea of reclaiming your lunch hour :) I might give that one a try, too.

    1. It's so important! Hope you can make it work, too. :)

  3. So excited about this, Sara! Thanks for including me in your awesome idea, and best of luck with your goals. I'm rooting for you!

  4. This sounds really cool. Looking forward to taking part!

  5. This sounds so great! Fingers crossed it is the motivation I need to finish this edit!

    1. I hope it works out for you this month! Thanks for joining!

  6. SO excited about this! Just what I need!

    1. YES - February is always a good month for a recharge. :)

  7. I love this idea! I've been using my lunch hours recently to do more writing. Having thirty minutes gets me working a bit faster because there's so little time in the first place and I don't want to waste it.

    1. Isn't it amazing how much you can get accomplished in those thirty little minutes?!

  8. Perfect!


  9. Excited for this! I just have to come up with my goals....

  10. I should follow your lead on not skipping the lunch break :-) Thanks again for such an awesome idea, Sara!!! And you can doooooooooooo it!

    1. You, too! This is going to be a big year for you! ;)

  11. Yay! Love this! You have such fantastic timing, Sara. I've been bemoaning my lack of organization with my revisions, and this is PERFECT. Double-yay. I'll be working on figuring out my goals ... I love yours. They sound very manageable (and awesome). :)

  12. I just signed up. Thanks for setting this up. Now there's something out there to hold me accountable for my writing progress this month. =)

  13. I'm excited for this!! Such a great idea! Thanks! :)

  14. I have way too much to do this month and we are still getting a heap of snow. *sigh*

    Looking forward to seeing your progress as the month goes on.

    1. Good luck with your busy month! Every month is so busy for you! ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Sara.....I love everything about this idea...and the graphic is so cute!! (Yes, I'd join something just for a cute graphic. I'm easily swayed by the media, obviously.) Recharging is what we all need in February, I think. I'll work on some goals and try to play along this month.

    Thanks for always being a great ideas person! And best of luck reclaiming those lunches. You deserve it!

    1. Thanks - I love the graphic, too. :) I hope you'll be able to play along!

  16. Such a great idea! I need help getting out of my January slump. Between the weather and coming back to school after winter break, my motivation isn't where it should be.

    Thanks for hosting this! :)

  17. Count me in! Writing up my post now. :)

  18. I wish I could do this but with college full time I have to pass, I will try after Nov.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Hi Sara,
    Great idea! But sad to say that I am not a book writer,
    but still keep or setting a goal before is always good,
    I to my surprise, and am afraid to see that most of the
    Participants here are all my opposite gender LOL
    But, thank God, I could locate few of them my side LOL
    I am here via Sara Chafin, would like to participage, since
    The preparation for the April a to z challenge is on the way :-)
    I found something unpleasant here, pl. remove the word verification
    from here, so that your visitors can easily post their comments without
    much hassles. You can do this by visiting your dashboard’s settings page.
    Philip Ariel

    1. I am too late here, after posting this i noticed that the linkup is closed!!
      So sad
      ANyways I wish you all a happy blogging time ahead
      Keep informed


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