Ready. Set. Write! :: Back to Reality Edition

Ready. Set. WRITE! is an online writing intensive to help you stay accountable with your writing goals over the summer and provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on whether planning, drafting, or revising! Your RSW hosts are Alison Miller, Jaime Morrow, Erin Funk, and Katy Upperman. Find the rest of the details HERE.
How I did on last week's goals:
Well, it's been a long, long time since I last posted for RSW, and about that long since I've worked on anything RSW-related. Last week I was on vacation with my husband's family at a cabin on Wisconsin's Placid Lake, and my main goals were to relax, to read, to get some client work done, and to enjoy my surroundings. Mission accomplished. I got in on a couple of twitter-parties for client stuff.
My goals for this week:
Back to reality, people, and back to biz:
- Write every day. That revision of KEYS isn't going to fix itself.
- Read every day.
- Return two CP manuscripts to the authors.
- Drink tons of water/go easy on the carbs.
- Work out three times.
I sort of feel like I'm starting over, so I'll save the other categories for next week.
I hope your RSW is going well!
Glad to hear you had a nice, relaxing vacation! Good luck getting back into the swing of things with your goals this week.