A Chicken Feather, the Two of Hearts, and a Pencil :: Terrible Titles

The inimitable Liz Parker tagged me recently in the Terrible Titles Blog Hop. The idea is to scroll through your manuscript and stop at random places to find awesomely bad titles. Liz's contribution can be found here. Personally, my favorite of hers is I'm Just as Crazy as They Think I've Become.

I'm currently revising my NaNo 2012 novel, working title Beautiful Bird, Sing On. Here are a few new, terrible possibilities:

1. A Chicken Feather, the Two of Hearts, and a Pencil

2. Give Me Ten Minutes

3. The Marilyn Monroe Look

4. Faltered, Started Again

5. You've Met Him Before

6. In the Romantic Half-Life (this one made me burst into laughter)

7. A Pretty Unusual Girl

8. Runaway Horse and Carriage

Fun times! If you haven't blogged your Terrible Titles yet, consider yourself tagged.


  1. FANTASTIC! A Chicken Feather, Two Hearts and a Pencil sounds like ingredients for a love spell.


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