What's Up Wednesday :: Arctic Blast Edition
What's Up Wednesday hails from the blogs of Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. Join the fun on your own blog and then go to Jaime's to add your link - it's a great way to share what's going on in your life and get to know other bloggers! Here's what's up:
My reading streak continues. I ended the year strong, reading 21 books in the month of December. That's gotta be a record for me. I've read five so far this month.
I'm currently reading THE STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL SORROWS OF AVA LAVENDER by Leslye Walton. I bought this book right after it came out and saved it to read at the right moment and that moment is now. So lovely.
Still chipping away at revisions of BEAUTIFUL BIRD, SING ON, but with the holidays and the massive amount of reading I've done, I haven't been very productive (coincidence? I think not). Although I had previously resisted temptation, I started on one of my two new ideas and have cranked out about 6k in a very short amount of time. My plan is to approach this like a NaNo project and finish the first draft this month while working on BBSO.
My writing goal for this week is to hit 15k on the new project and to work on BBSO at least twice. Write every day.
Cold, so cold. We're experiencing dangerously frigid temperatures and wind chills in Minnesota. Many schools are closed today, including our district, so we're having a Snow Day.
I started watching Season 4 of Downton Abbey - I need to get caught up ASAP!
Not writing every single day and going on a month-long reading binge. I had two huge, emotionally draining months of revisions in October and November. I'd originally planned to complete a revision on a third ms in December, but honestly, I was pushing myself too hard. December's a tough month for us anyway with our crazy schedule plus the holidays, so taking a month to read a lot of books and not spend as much time writing was a perfect way to recharge.
Here's a song for your week - from this up-and-coming artist that Kanye West has apparently taken under his wing:
Let it be.
I get the pushing yourself too hard thing. It's like you go so fast, so long and then you're all dried up. I did that the first two weeks of November. My well is finally filling up again. Also--21 books??! Jesus, woman! But that's awesome.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with all your writing goals! Writing every day sounds like a good idea. I'm totally with you on pushing yourself too hard thing. I do that too sometimes, forcing myself to write something even when I have zero inspiration, or asking too much from myself. Sometimes you need to take a break.
ReplyDeleteMy WuW post.
21 books in a month is great! Sometimes you need to have a long break just to read great books. Best of luck with all your writing goals! :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your goals! Your reading binge sounds wonderful - good books are the best inspiration :)
ReplyDelete21 books in one month is bananas, but also awesome! Sometimes I just want to sit and read for days on end. It's great that you gave yourself a break in December and just allowed yourself to take in some of these other things you love. Hope you're having a great week, Sara! And good luck with your current projects! :D
ReplyDelete21 books!!! I feel like a winner if I get more than four in a month! Good gravy. I just picked up AVA LAVENDER the other day when I found myself in a physical bookshop and couldn't control myself -- I've been wanting to read it for a while but even more so now that it's on the Morris shortlist. If you can power through drafting like you did December reading, then you'll have that draft done in no time :)
ReplyDeleteWow. You read A LOT. Kudos!
ReplyDeleteHoly, 21 books! I think the most I've read in a month is 8.
ReplyDeleteIt's been snowy here too but not that cold (knock on wood.). Hope it warms up for you soon.
Wow, that is a super impressive reading streak. Go you :D
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your writing goals this week ^_^
I'm so looking forward to reading THE STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL SORROWS OF AVA LAVENDER -- I've heard great things. And I'm amazed by your reading streak -- great job, lady!
ReplyDeleteWow on the 21 books! I'm in the middle of reading three, but I haven't finished reading any books in 2015. I've gotta catch up, I feel far behind :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great week and stay warm!
21 books in one month is amazing! I think you've got me beat, and that isn't easy to do! I've already finished 2 and a half books in 2015. Read on!