Friday Flashbaxx: Class Reunion

Today's Trip in the Wayback Machine is brought to you by the letters E and R and by the number... yeah, never mind about the number. 

Friday night is my high school class reunion.  I'm surprised that I've been looking forward to this for months.  When the time came for me to graduate and get out of town, I didn't look back, destined for bigger and better things.  Now, years later (and having never attended any of the previous reunions), I'm excited to say that I've reconnected with many wonderful friends from those days.  I'm truly looking forward to seeing many people -- some that I've kept in contact with through college and beyond, and some that I haven't seen in many, many years. 

There's a lot of water under that bridge and I can't remember the grudges I held back then, anyway. 

Here are some things that haven't changed since I graduated from high school:
  • Given the choice, I will wear jeans every day of the week.  However, I no longer pin or roll the cuffs.  Oops!  Did I just give something away?
  • With those jeans, given the choice, I will wear some sort of concert and/or band t-shirt.
  • I still save everything for the VERY LAST MINUTE.  For example, I finished the "Memorabilia Project" at 11:30 last night, even though I've had several weeks to work on it.
  • I'm still sarcastic.
  • My hair is still sort of big.  I can't help it.  There's a lot of it. 
  • I still love football and hockey.
  • I still drink coffee by the gallon.
  • I still want to grow up to be a writer.
Graduation Open House


  1. Say hello to the 80s for me!

    Dropping by from Rachael's Campaigner fest, contemporary group, to say hi. Now following.

    Moody Writing

  2. I had those same glasses! Have fun at your reunion :)

  3. Have a great time and blog all the dish after!


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