Writer Recharge :: Blue Rapture Edition (Update 3)

It's the last week of February, people. That means we have one week left to work on the goals we set at the beginning of the month.

Share your update below and your final update next Monday! Hopefully you'll have a chance to check out what everyone else has been up to.

It's not too late to join us - all the details can be found here. And thanks to my co-hosts - Katy Upperman, Alison Miller, Liz Parker, and Elodie Nowodazkij - for being all kinds of awesome.

Here's my update:

Progress on IF YOU WERE HERE, my new WIP, slowed down considerably this week. My (lofty) goal for the week is to hit 25k by the end of Recharge.

Yes! I finally started THE DISTANT HOURS by Kate Morton. I love her writing style, I'm interested in the story, so I can't understand why I've had two false starts on this book. I'm also reading and listening to RUBY RED for the #RubyRedReread - and doing some decluttering while I listen, which is a win-win.

I got my pedicure on Friday afternoon - and yes, I did give myself a pre-pedicure on Wednesday night. I'm friends with the owner of the salon, so she gave my pedicurist a head's up about my anxieties and she took really good care of me. In fact, I would say that it was a pleasant experience and my feet look pretty good (considering how damaged they are from all those breaks and retail years). Now, I don't think I'll be going crazy with pedicures once a month, but I won't hesitate to go back to Pauline.

Bunions & Blue Rapture

Still not feeling great, so I'm letting myself rest when I need it and that's a good thing.

Thanks for the support on Twitter about the pedicure. :)

OMG, The Duff.

To say that I was excited to see this movie is the understatement of the year.

My friend Jana asked me about it yesterday. She said, "Tell it to me straight. I loved the book but I'm afraid to see the movie because I've heard it's so different."

And it is. It's a completely different story. Five characters share names with five characters in the book, the general premise behind the Designated Ugly Fat Friend is the same, and that's about it.

The movie is hilarious and brilliant and touching in places. There are so many good one-liners and so many moments that my heart ached for Bianca, because I know just how she felt. Moments of extreme discomfort. Moments that were so genuine. Moments that we all lived in high school at one point or another.

It's about friendship and love and taking chances and being yourself.

And there's a This is Spinal Tap reference, which, you know, I love that. A lot.

My advice is to embrace the differences. Welcome the movie for what it is is, all on its own, and don't compare it to the book.

And yes, I do plan to see it again. Soon.

Hope you had some fun this week, too.

Link your Writer Recharge update here!
1. Alice (Krispy) / A Nudge  6. Liz Parker  11. Jana Denardo  
2. Kim Smith  7. Alison Miller  12. Stephanie Allen  
3. Katy Upperman  8. Jaime Morrow  13. Rebekah Faubion  
4. Jennifer Pickrell  9. Elodie  14. Jessica Fonseca  
5. Emma Adams  10. Susan Crispell  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Hey Sara, the previews for Duff look good. I haven't seen it, and confess, I haven't read the book either. This past week was interesting for me, and I got a lot done. Have a great week!

  2. Glad to hear the pedicure went well! But boo to being under the weather. Hope you get plenty of rest this week and take it easy.

    THE DUFF looks great in previews - I might have to slip away one afternoon from work and go to the theater :)

  3. Okay, you're selling me on THE DUFF. I hadn't been planning to see it, but... maybe? Also, your toes look so good -- I love the blue! Best of luck hitting 25K by the end of Recharge. I'm rooting for you, Sara!

  4. I'm glad the pedicure went well. That blue is pretty awesome too! My progress on my WiP slowed a fair amount this week as well. Hoping to pick it up a bit this week. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on THE DUFF. I haven't read the book in ages, so I'm not sure if I would catch the many ways the movie differs from the source material. I plan on doing exactly as you say: welcoming it for what it is all on its own. Have a great week, Sara! :D

  5. I haven't read or seen THE DUFF, but it looks good! Best of luck with the words this week.

  6. Good luck with 25k. My problem is not starting my WIP - ie book 3 of my series. I'm feeling a lot of pressure, which is only from myself, to come up with a big finale, but I'll have to get to it!

    I have to admit The DUFF passed me by, but it sounds fun!

  7. I am trying to convince my neighbor to go see THE DUFF with me :) Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you feel better and yay for pedicure!!!

  8. Good luck with the writing goal! And the pedicure looks good. I'm glad you found someone who was good.

  9. I love your toes! Blue Rapture, very nice. I am glad you have converted to a pedicure lover. Cut yourself a break, you have killed it on writing goals!

  10. I loved it and saw it again on Sunday. Thank you for inviting me to see it with you! It was so much fun.

  11. Commenting late...as always. I love that blue on your toes. I haven't seen The Duff but I want to so bad! Thanks for your review of it :)


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