RTW: Whole Lotta Love-Lists

From YA Highway:

Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ where YA Highway's contributors post a weekly writing- or reading-related question to write about on our own blogs. You can hop from destination to destination and get everybody's unique take on the topic.

(Today I'm celebrating one year since my very first Road Trip and I'm so grateful for all the fantastic readers and writers I've met along the way!)

This week's topic:  Inspired by Stephanie Perkins' post on Natalie Whipple's blog, what is your novel's "Love List"?

So, just to be clear, I luuurve just about anything that comes out of Stephanie Perkins' brain, and this was no exception.  What a great idea - to make a list of things you love about your work as both a reminder of why your work is worthwhile and as a "handy guideline during the revision process."  Of course you want your readers to luuurve the things in your book that you luuurve, too. 

(Also, if you haven't read ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins yet, please do yourself a favor and buy it. Now.)

Here are my two love-lists - the first, because I'm currently in CLOUD 9 country for my now-annual writing retreat, for CLOUD 9, and the second for my poor, lonely, longing-for-attention WiP, WAITING FOR THE SUN (which also takes place in CLOUD 9 country).  I hope this inspires me to kick it into high gear!

The Spinning Milkshake
Number 4 Ladyslipper Lane - the Cozy Cottage
Mini-golf and Blueberry Hill
Brad Keenan's love for Led Zeppelin
Brad Keenan
Song lyric battles
The Spice Girls (hey - second Spice Girls mention in a week! Wait, did I just mention the Spice Girls in the same post as I mentioned Led Zeppelin?)
Macaroni and cheese
The Fire Tower
Scrabble, crossword puzzles, tea, and the grandparents
The garden at the Cedar Avenue house
The Pack-Mobile

Halcyon Lake
Root Beer Barrels
A black Pontiac Thunderbird
Buckle Bunnies
Escape plots
New friends
Shared sorrows
Second chances

Here's the view from my balcony this week:

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Minnesota?

How about you?  What do you luuurve about your WiP?


  1. Great idea! I think I need to do this for those times when I'm not feeling the warm fuzziness for my WIP.

    1. Isn't it, though? I've been giving this a lot of thought today as I've been reading others' posts. Even in the depths of despair, I always feel love for my manuscripts - at least since I started writing YA.

  2. Such great lists! When I saw the word 'lilacs' I immediately thought of one of my favourite U.S. places: Mackinac Island in Michigan (they always have a lilac festival). I love, love, love this: Number 4 Ladyslipper Lane - the Cozy Cottage, and without even seeing the place, I want to live there! There's so much goodness here. Thanks for sharing, Sara. :)

    1. Thanks! I've always wanted to go there. My husband would hate a lilac festival, as he is allergic to most plant life. :)

  3. What a gorgeous view! No wonder your writing sounds so inspired by scenery. Great lists!

    1. Thank you! Yes, scenic views have always been inspiring to me. All of my YA writing is set in beautiful places. I can't help it!

  4. Can I come write on your balcony?

    I love your lists. This is a great idea.

    1. There were two chairs on the balcony, yes, but (sadly) we are home now. Guess I'll have to settle for the view of the cul-de-sac from the front porch now.

  5. This all sounds intriguing...esp the song lyric battles. Enjoy the retreat!

  6. Wow, Spinning milkshakes and the fire tower sounds awesome!

    1. Yes, it was a very fun setting to write. The setting became a character in a sense.

  7. Love these lists! I'm curious about the Spinning Milkshake. Also, now I'm kind of craving root beer...

    1. First line of the book: The milkshake at the entrance of Cloud 9 meant freedom.

      Little teaser. :)

  8. So many great bits and pieces on your list. Spinning Milkshake and The Spice Girls and Halcyon lake and Brad Kennan's love for Led Zeppelin... sounds fun!

    1. Thank you! CLOUD 9 has been a very fun project.

  9. Cloud 9 sounds like it has interesting places. And I just love Macaroni cheese on that list simply because it's one of my favourite dishes. :)

    1. I love macaroni and cheese, too, especially my mom's homemade... oh, I could go for some right now!

  10. So, I really hope I´ll get to read those two books :D Those lists sound great and what´s not to love? And I agree with you, anything Stephanie Perkins comes up with is just wow :P

  11. Oh I love both your lists! Especially The Spice Girls, Mac&cheese and the Pontiac Thunderbird :)

  12. Beautiful view; I love Minnesota, too!

    I love a list that includes both mac & cheese and the Spice Girls. :)

  13. Good idea! What in the... are Buckle Bunnies?! You've gotten me curious.

    1. Ah, buckle bunnies. They are rodeo "groupies." I wrote about them here.

  14. Wow, that's such a great view. I'm completely jealous. :)

    The list that includes Led Zeppelin and The Spice Girls (in a lyrics battle?) is making me curious!

    1. Thanks - it was lovely and relaxing and productive -- and now it's back to Real Life, where I can hopefully still be productive if not relaxed. :)

  15. The Spinning Milkshake--that could be a band name, or the name of a diner. Add The Spice Girls and Led Zepplin, you have... something interesting going on in your novel, I'm sure!

    1. That IS a great name for a band. The actual band name in the novel is Pleasure Craft. My husband came up with it. :)

  16. Zeppelin + Spice Girls = ????? (Explosions/end of the earth?)

    I love the image of "Scrabble, crossword puzzles, tea, and the grandparents". What a clear and vivid picture!

    1. I know, I nearly threw up a little in my mouth when I realized I had included them both in the same list.

      Thank you! :)

  17. Lovely view and am intrigued to learn more about your wip!

  18. Nice! I'm also intrigued and definitely jonesing for some Mac and Cheese now :)

    1. Thank you! I haven't had dinner yet and it's almost 10p. I could go for some mac and cheese right about now!

  19. You lists are awesome. I love the Spice Girls. Thanks for sharing. :D

    1. Thank you! I love the Spice Girls, too, but in a different way than I love Led Zeppelin. :)

  20. I love the visual I get with "Number 4 Ladyslipper Lane - the Cozy Cottage". Plus you have mac and cheese. And the Spice Girls and Led Zeppelin - what more could a reader want? Fab list!

  21. That looks like an amazing view! No wonder you're brimming over with love for your WIPs, with something like that to inspire you :)

    1. I wish I had that view every day! But I'm lucky -- because I've set both the stories on lakes like this, I'm able to return there in my mind whenever I sit down to write. It works!

  22. Loving your view! I've been trying to plan a retreat in Minnesota. It's so beautiful up there. Those lists get me really excited to read your stories.

    1. Thank you! Where are you planning to go in MN? I'm already starting to plan my next one - I'm lucky that I don't have to go very far!

  23. I am most curious about Buckle Bunnies! And SCRABBLE?!?!? I forgot about that one. I have some major love for that in my story too!

    Thanks for sharing some story love!

    1. Let me just say, the Buckle Bunny in my story has breathed new life into it - and has been very fun to write!


  24. Lovely view and thanks for sharing. I wish I could go on a retreat. Might do wonders to my muses.

    1. Thanks - it was much too short! Already planning the next one. :)

  25. Wow, two lists for two WIPs! You're very busy. I like the one about tea and grandparents. It sounds like a very cozy scene or two. :-) Thanks for your comment on my list! Kids keep you busy, but they're so rewarding. :-)

  26. Awesome lists! The 7th grader in me is thrilled for the Spice Girls and Led Zepplin--both very present at middle school dances. Looks like you've got a couple of great WIPs!

  27. Gorgeous view from your balcony!

    I love the lists!

  28. I love so much about your lists, but specifically your mentions of Scrabble and root beer barrels. They're both such little things, but it's often the details that really make a story for me. Fantastic, Sara!


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